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Proper Poker Etiquette

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The Basics of Poker Etiquette. Like any other sport or game you'll find, poker does have its own set of rules regarding proper behavior. The rules of poker etiquette may be written in black and white or they may not. Regardless of which, all poker players are expected to stick to these rules of proper decorum. The etiquette tips in the following list apply to Texas Hold'em and to any other poker game. Sure, you can have fun while you play poker, but you can have all the fun you want without being impolite to the other players or the dealer. Basic poker etiquette includes these tips: Always play in turn.


Poker is still one of the most celebrated and watched games. When televised poker tournaments began airing in the early 2000s, poker became even more popular in American culture than it had been before.

The game was already wildly popular, thanks in part to its association with the Wild West and Westerns in general, on top of its consistent appearances in movies. Poker is about as American as apple pie. But just because it's easily identifiable doesn't make it easy to just sit down and play like a pro.

Knowing the rules is very different from knowing proper etiquette. If you want to sit down and have a good time without angering your fellow players, here's some poker etiquette rules to live by.

1 – Wait Your Turn


Now, this might seem like an obvious suggestion, but a lot of new players tend to act out of turn and throw the game off.

It might seem like this isn't that big of a deal, but it definitely can be to most gamblers. If you act out of turn, and tip off another player they shouldn't make the bet they were going to (or even hint them to fold their hand), the other players in the pot might get pretty annoyed with you, especially if they end up losing money as a result.

So, when you're playing poker, always make sure you wait your turn and only act when it's your turn to act.

This leads me to my next point.

2 – Pay Attention and Make Swift Decisions

Nothing is more annoying than someone looking at their phone or staring off into space while the action is happening, only to see that same person turn to the guy next to them and say, 'Hey, what just happened?'

It's nobody's job to pay attention to the action but yours. Don't be surprised if other players glare at you or ignore you if you're doing something else while the game is ongoing.

The same idea applies for making swift decisions. It's one thing to need time to focus and think before acting, but it's another thing to screw around and hold up the game playing too slowly.

What's worse is that some people do this deliberately to show off or to try to get other players mad. It's really not okay and can get you into an argument, so play like an adult and make your moves fast.

3 – Don't Toss Your Chips Into the Pot

This may seem counterintuitive when you see people doing this in movies all the time, but the fact is that throwing your chips into the pot is considered pretty rude.

  1. First of all, it makes it pretty hard to figure out what you bet in the first place.
  2. Second, you might knock over all the chips in the pot and make it that much harder for the dealer or the winner of the hand to collect the chips.
  3. Third, some players do this to try to cheat and bet less or more than they were supposed to. If you do it, play might have to pause while the dealer counts the pot, then you'll end up with a bunch of people angry at you and not interested in playing with you anymore.

4 – Stay Away From String Betting

String betting is when you don't make your entire bet at once. You might say, 'I see your 20,' and throw in 20, 'and raise you 50,' then throw in 50.

What this does is throw people off. They hear that first part and think you're only calling the last bet. They may immediately bet as soon as you do because they think you're done. When they realize that what you actually meant to do was raise, they may want to make a different move.

It slows down the game and is generally considered rude, so it's just something you'll want to avoid. It doesn't do anyone any favors and mostly just makes you seem inexperienced and foolish. Some casinos won't even allow you to do it.

5 – If You're out of a Hand, Stay Out

This is a big one. Let's say four people are playing a hand of Texas Hold'em. You have an ace and a three in your hand and you fold after the first round of betting, before the flop, because someone bets big.

The flop comes in with ace, ace, jack. Then, there's another ace on the turn. You'll be kicking yourself for throwing away four of a kind of course, but the rest of the players don't know if anyone that's still playing has that ace.

Proper Poker Etiquette Poker

That makes the game much more interesting. Anyone there could have the ace in theory. The other players will be seriously considering it. But if you open your big mouth and say, 'Don't worry fellas, I had the other ace!' then, the game will suddenly shift.

Oh, and everyone will pretty much hate you forever. Even the guy who wins the pot might be annoyed if what you said changes how everyone else bets and they bet less.

Even worse, let's say you fold from that same hand and don't have the ace, then lie and say that you did have it. This could turn out even worse if one of the other three players has the ace (or if it comes up on the river).

In either case, you're essentially trying to influence a game that you're not a part of, which is a huge no-no and considered extremely rude.

Proper poker etiquette party

Proper Poker Etiquette Tips

6 – Put Your Cards on the Table

Nobody likes a cheater, and I'm not going to suggest that you would actually try something as silly as an ace up your sleeve, but keeping your cards on the table is the best way to show everyone you're playing by the rules.

That being said, there are some better, clearer reasons why you'd want to keep your cards on the table, even if you don't have bad intentions.

  1. First, remember that one of the ways the dealer determines who is in and out is by looking at the cards on the table. If your cards are missing, they might think you're not in the hand anymore, which can throw off the entire game.
  2. Another good reason is that if your cards are in your hand, another player (or someone watching) might be able to see your cards and take advantage of that situation.

Rather than setting yourself up for failure or making it easier for someone to cheat, keep the cards on the table. You'll look more professional that way.

7 – Tip the Waitstaff and Dealers

In most American casinos, the waitstaff, dealer, and many other employees are relying on your tips to make a decent living. Whether you agree or disagree with that, the reality is that they are going to get paid less hourly because of the expected tip.

If you're making use of their services, be decent and tip them. It shows a certain lack of class and respect if you're unwilling to tip these hardworking people.

By the same note, be kind and courteous to all the staff. They often work long hours for low pay, and they often have to deal with drunks, angry gamblers, and sometimes, worse. The last thing they need is to have to deal with someone who is sober and just plain rude.

8 – Treat Fellow Players With Respect

Another way to really make a fool of yourself is to act like a big shot or a tough guy at the table.

There's always someone who wants to talk trash during poker. They're usually doing it for a reason. They're probably trying to throw you off their game.

I suppose it's a poker strategy, but it usually just comes across as low-class and unprofessional. No matter if you're winning or losing (or somewhere in between), talk to the other players with respect.

If you don't, you may not have many people to play poker with after a while (in a good scenario), and if you make the wrong person mad, you never know what could happen.

9 – Be Hygienic

I hate that I have to write this, but you run into it more often than you might expect. If you're going to be playing at the tables and you plan to be there for a long time, you need to take care of your hygiene.

Now, I'm not saying you need a shave and a haircut every time you go to the tables, but you do need to take a shower and consider some deodorant. And if you've been gambling at the same table for a few hours, consider taking a break, going to your hotel room, and cleaning off for the sake of the other players.

Everyone will be glad you did—and remember, the tables will always be there.


Poker does have some specific rules of etiquette related to gameplay that you should probably follow, but for the most part, the rules are the same as you might find in just about any other professional setting.

Act like an adult, play nice, and take care of yourself, and you'll have a great time. A small mistake when you're new is no big deal, just don't be a jerk.

Anything I left off this list? Let me know in the comments!

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There's more to winning at poker than a good poker face. Like every competition, the game has written and unwritten rules.

Written rules include how to play Texas Hold 'em and when to bet, raise, fold or flop. Unwritten rules about player behaviour are as important as the mechanics of the game.

While the dealer guides the game, each player must know and follow poker etiquette. A player who is unaware of etiquette slows the pace and creates serious problems.

Keep reading to learn the proper way to behave at a poker table. Although there's no such thing as a steady income in poker, 25% of players make money.

Your Invitation to the Best Online Pokies in Australia

Like a punt on the slot machines?

Our top rated slots for October 2019 are the smash-hit online pokie sites: Ruby Fortune and Jackpot City Casino.

These sites include some impressive matched bonuses – up to $750 and $1600 respectively! With the potential for some seriously big wins, here's your chance to get a piece of the action:

Common Rules of Poker Etiquette

The following guidelines promote sportsmanship. They work at the World Series of Poker as well as your dining room table.

Proper etiquette results in a fast-paced game that's enjoyable for everyone at the table.

Pay Attention

When you're seated at the table be present and pay attention. If you're distracted give your seat to someone else.

Sometimes people listen to music while playing poker. If you do, keep one ear open and the volume down. If you can't hear the dealer or other players you'll delay the game.

You may miss vital information if you listen to music instead of your opponents.

Always Act in Turn

The action in poker moves clockwise around the table. Each player takes a turn.

If you act out of turn it can influence another player's action. You can provide an unfair advantage.

For example, if you discard before your turn another player may choose to bluff. He couldn't do that if he played before you. That isn't fair to the other players.

It's forgivable if you act out of turn once by accident. Repeated acting out of turn is cause for ejection. It shows disregard for the game and your fellow players.

Make your intentions clear to the dealer and other players. It's a good idea to announce your play when you place your chips.

Show the Total Amount You Have in Chips

It's okay to ask someone how much they have in their stack.

Try not to block your chip stack with your hands. If someone asks how much you have, show them or state the amount you had at the start.

Stack your chips in logical piles so you and your opponents can estimate the amount. Keep your chips organized in your own space.

Never mix your chips with other players' or spill over into their area.

Don't add chips to your stack in the middle of a hand. Never remove chips from the table to reduce the total amount of your stack.

Don't Delay the Action

Poker players spend a lot of time watching at the beginning of the game. That's because most players throw away the starting hand. Everyone wants the game to move as fast as possible.

It's reasonable to take time to think through your next move. If you need extra time for a tough decision, say 'Time, please.' Otherwise, act as fast as possible.

Proper Poker Etiquette

Try not to stall the action. Here are a few examples of what not to do:

  • Don't talk to the waitress, the dealer or another player when you should play your hand.
  • Don't watch television instead of the poker table.
  • Don't use your phone or eat a meal during a game.

Pay attention and play so the game moves at an enjoyable pace for everyone at the table.

Don't Toss Chips into the Pot

Splashing the pot is the term for throwing chips right into the pot. It's a bad idea for a couple of reasons.

First, it's hard for the dealer and players to see if you bet the right amount. Second, splashing the pot can delay the game. If a dealer can't see that you put in the right amount he'll stop the game.

The correct way to bet is to put your chips on the table in front of you. The dealer confirms the amount, then adds it to the chips in the middle of the table.

Avoid a String Bet or String Raise

Always put the right amount of chips in the pot all at once when you raise or bet.

A string bet or string raise occurs when less than the full amount goes into the pot. The player puts too few chips in, then returns to his stack to get more chips without announcing a raise.

You must announce the raise and put the correct amount in or it's an illegal play. Always announce when you intend to raise.

Playing Table Stakes

Poker played with table stakes refers to the money and chips in front of you on the table. You can't use any other money during that hand.

If you run out of chips or cash during the hand you're 'all in.' You won't lose the pot since someone bet more money than you have on the table.

Table stakes also mean you can't remove any money from the table until you leave the game.

Never Discuss Your Hand

Giving information to the other players is bad form. It doesn't matter if you've thrown away your cards or not.

What you say can lead to an unfair advantage. Telling players which cards you have or threw out influences player decisions.

It's bad form to fold face-up or show your cards to another player before you fold. Never tell what your hole cards were.

Don't say or do anything that reveals information about a hand that's in progress. Never try to influence a hand you're not playing.

Keep Your Cards on the Table

Most places demand you keep your cards on the table.

It's also a good idea for your strategy. Keeping your cards on the table prevents another player from seeing them.

Plus, the dealer always looks at the table in front of each player. If the dealer can't see your hand, he may deal your next card to someone else.

Never hide your cards. Always be clear that you're in the hand.

Turn All Cards Face Up at the Showdown

The dealer must see your entire hand to determine if you won.

Show all your cards, not the five you used to win. This proves you have a legitimate hand of seven cards.

Expect other players to object if you don't show all your cards. If no one calls your final bet or raises it, you don't need to show your cards.

Treat Everyone with Respect

Be polite and respectful towards other players, the dealer, and employees. A good attitude and manners create a positive environment for competition.

Don't belittle another player or tell them what you think they should do instead. Never blame the dealer or another player for your results.

If you're out of the hand, be mindful of the other players. Don't make a lot of noise, talk nonstop or play loud music. Never make or take a phone call at the poker table.

Treat the cards, table, and property of the club and opponents with consideration. Don't swear or argue.

Behave like a grownup if there's a discrepancy between players. Contact the floor man if it's a live game or the support team for an online game to resolve the issue.

Only contact authorities if you're certain a player broke the rules.

A Hit and Run is another example of poor poker etiquette. It occurs when a player leaves right after winning a generous pot from another player.

Don't pack up and leave the table right after you win.

Play an Ethical Game


Now, this might seem like an obvious suggestion, but a lot of new players tend to act out of turn and throw the game off.

It might seem like this isn't that big of a deal, but it definitely can be to most gamblers. If you act out of turn, and tip off another player they shouldn't make the bet they were going to (or even hint them to fold their hand), the other players in the pot might get pretty annoyed with you, especially if they end up losing money as a result.

So, when you're playing poker, always make sure you wait your turn and only act when it's your turn to act.

This leads me to my next point.

2 – Pay Attention and Make Swift Decisions

Nothing is more annoying than someone looking at their phone or staring off into space while the action is happening, only to see that same person turn to the guy next to them and say, 'Hey, what just happened?'

It's nobody's job to pay attention to the action but yours. Don't be surprised if other players glare at you or ignore you if you're doing something else while the game is ongoing.

The same idea applies for making swift decisions. It's one thing to need time to focus and think before acting, but it's another thing to screw around and hold up the game playing too slowly.

What's worse is that some people do this deliberately to show off or to try to get other players mad. It's really not okay and can get you into an argument, so play like an adult and make your moves fast.

3 – Don't Toss Your Chips Into the Pot

This may seem counterintuitive when you see people doing this in movies all the time, but the fact is that throwing your chips into the pot is considered pretty rude.

  1. First of all, it makes it pretty hard to figure out what you bet in the first place.
  2. Second, you might knock over all the chips in the pot and make it that much harder for the dealer or the winner of the hand to collect the chips.
  3. Third, some players do this to try to cheat and bet less or more than they were supposed to. If you do it, play might have to pause while the dealer counts the pot, then you'll end up with a bunch of people angry at you and not interested in playing with you anymore.

4 – Stay Away From String Betting

String betting is when you don't make your entire bet at once. You might say, 'I see your 20,' and throw in 20, 'and raise you 50,' then throw in 50.

What this does is throw people off. They hear that first part and think you're only calling the last bet. They may immediately bet as soon as you do because they think you're done. When they realize that what you actually meant to do was raise, they may want to make a different move.

It slows down the game and is generally considered rude, so it's just something you'll want to avoid. It doesn't do anyone any favors and mostly just makes you seem inexperienced and foolish. Some casinos won't even allow you to do it.

5 – If You're out of a Hand, Stay Out

This is a big one. Let's say four people are playing a hand of Texas Hold'em. You have an ace and a three in your hand and you fold after the first round of betting, before the flop, because someone bets big.

The flop comes in with ace, ace, jack. Then, there's another ace on the turn. You'll be kicking yourself for throwing away four of a kind of course, but the rest of the players don't know if anyone that's still playing has that ace.

Proper Poker Etiquette Poker

That makes the game much more interesting. Anyone there could have the ace in theory. The other players will be seriously considering it. But if you open your big mouth and say, 'Don't worry fellas, I had the other ace!' then, the game will suddenly shift.

Oh, and everyone will pretty much hate you forever. Even the guy who wins the pot might be annoyed if what you said changes how everyone else bets and they bet less.

Even worse, let's say you fold from that same hand and don't have the ace, then lie and say that you did have it. This could turn out even worse if one of the other three players has the ace (or if it comes up on the river).

In either case, you're essentially trying to influence a game that you're not a part of, which is a huge no-no and considered extremely rude.

Proper Poker Etiquette Tips

6 – Put Your Cards on the Table

Nobody likes a cheater, and I'm not going to suggest that you would actually try something as silly as an ace up your sleeve, but keeping your cards on the table is the best way to show everyone you're playing by the rules.

That being said, there are some better, clearer reasons why you'd want to keep your cards on the table, even if you don't have bad intentions.

  1. First, remember that one of the ways the dealer determines who is in and out is by looking at the cards on the table. If your cards are missing, they might think you're not in the hand anymore, which can throw off the entire game.
  2. Another good reason is that if your cards are in your hand, another player (or someone watching) might be able to see your cards and take advantage of that situation.

Rather than setting yourself up for failure or making it easier for someone to cheat, keep the cards on the table. You'll look more professional that way.

7 – Tip the Waitstaff and Dealers

In most American casinos, the waitstaff, dealer, and many other employees are relying on your tips to make a decent living. Whether you agree or disagree with that, the reality is that they are going to get paid less hourly because of the expected tip.

If you're making use of their services, be decent and tip them. It shows a certain lack of class and respect if you're unwilling to tip these hardworking people.

By the same note, be kind and courteous to all the staff. They often work long hours for low pay, and they often have to deal with drunks, angry gamblers, and sometimes, worse. The last thing they need is to have to deal with someone who is sober and just plain rude.

8 – Treat Fellow Players With Respect

Another way to really make a fool of yourself is to act like a big shot or a tough guy at the table.

There's always someone who wants to talk trash during poker. They're usually doing it for a reason. They're probably trying to throw you off their game.

I suppose it's a poker strategy, but it usually just comes across as low-class and unprofessional. No matter if you're winning or losing (or somewhere in between), talk to the other players with respect.

If you don't, you may not have many people to play poker with after a while (in a good scenario), and if you make the wrong person mad, you never know what could happen.

9 – Be Hygienic

I hate that I have to write this, but you run into it more often than you might expect. If you're going to be playing at the tables and you plan to be there for a long time, you need to take care of your hygiene.

Now, I'm not saying you need a shave and a haircut every time you go to the tables, but you do need to take a shower and consider some deodorant. And if you've been gambling at the same table for a few hours, consider taking a break, going to your hotel room, and cleaning off for the sake of the other players.

Everyone will be glad you did—and remember, the tables will always be there.


Poker does have some specific rules of etiquette related to gameplay that you should probably follow, but for the most part, the rules are the same as you might find in just about any other professional setting.

Act like an adult, play nice, and take care of yourself, and you'll have a great time. A small mistake when you're new is no big deal, just don't be a jerk.

Anything I left off this list? Let me know in the comments!

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There's more to winning at poker than a good poker face. Like every competition, the game has written and unwritten rules.

Written rules include how to play Texas Hold 'em and when to bet, raise, fold or flop. Unwritten rules about player behaviour are as important as the mechanics of the game.

While the dealer guides the game, each player must know and follow poker etiquette. A player who is unaware of etiquette slows the pace and creates serious problems.

Keep reading to learn the proper way to behave at a poker table. Although there's no such thing as a steady income in poker, 25% of players make money.

Your Invitation to the Best Online Pokies in Australia

Like a punt on the slot machines?

Our top rated slots for October 2019 are the smash-hit online pokie sites: Ruby Fortune and Jackpot City Casino.

These sites include some impressive matched bonuses – up to $750 and $1600 respectively! With the potential for some seriously big wins, here's your chance to get a piece of the action:

Common Rules of Poker Etiquette

The following guidelines promote sportsmanship. They work at the World Series of Poker as well as your dining room table.

Proper etiquette results in a fast-paced game that's enjoyable for everyone at the table.

Pay Attention

When you're seated at the table be present and pay attention. If you're distracted give your seat to someone else.

Sometimes people listen to music while playing poker. If you do, keep one ear open and the volume down. If you can't hear the dealer or other players you'll delay the game.

You may miss vital information if you listen to music instead of your opponents.

Always Act in Turn

The action in poker moves clockwise around the table. Each player takes a turn.

If you act out of turn it can influence another player's action. You can provide an unfair advantage.

For example, if you discard before your turn another player may choose to bluff. He couldn't do that if he played before you. That isn't fair to the other players.

It's forgivable if you act out of turn once by accident. Repeated acting out of turn is cause for ejection. It shows disregard for the game and your fellow players.

Make your intentions clear to the dealer and other players. It's a good idea to announce your play when you place your chips.

Show the Total Amount You Have in Chips

It's okay to ask someone how much they have in their stack.

Try not to block your chip stack with your hands. If someone asks how much you have, show them or state the amount you had at the start.

Stack your chips in logical piles so you and your opponents can estimate the amount. Keep your chips organized in your own space.

Never mix your chips with other players' or spill over into their area.

Don't add chips to your stack in the middle of a hand. Never remove chips from the table to reduce the total amount of your stack.

Don't Delay the Action

Poker players spend a lot of time watching at the beginning of the game. That's because most players throw away the starting hand. Everyone wants the game to move as fast as possible.

It's reasonable to take time to think through your next move. If you need extra time for a tough decision, say 'Time, please.' Otherwise, act as fast as possible.

Try not to stall the action. Here are a few examples of what not to do:

  • Don't talk to the waitress, the dealer or another player when you should play your hand.
  • Don't watch television instead of the poker table.
  • Don't use your phone or eat a meal during a game.

Pay attention and play so the game moves at an enjoyable pace for everyone at the table.

Don't Toss Chips into the Pot

Splashing the pot is the term for throwing chips right into the pot. It's a bad idea for a couple of reasons.

First, it's hard for the dealer and players to see if you bet the right amount. Second, splashing the pot can delay the game. If a dealer can't see that you put in the right amount he'll stop the game.

The correct way to bet is to put your chips on the table in front of you. The dealer confirms the amount, then adds it to the chips in the middle of the table.

Avoid a String Bet or String Raise

Always put the right amount of chips in the pot all at once when you raise or bet.

A string bet or string raise occurs when less than the full amount goes into the pot. The player puts too few chips in, then returns to his stack to get more chips without announcing a raise.

You must announce the raise and put the correct amount in or it's an illegal play. Always announce when you intend to raise.

Playing Table Stakes

Poker played with table stakes refers to the money and chips in front of you on the table. You can't use any other money during that hand.

If you run out of chips or cash during the hand you're 'all in.' You won't lose the pot since someone bet more money than you have on the table.

Table stakes also mean you can't remove any money from the table until you leave the game.

Never Discuss Your Hand

Giving information to the other players is bad form. It doesn't matter if you've thrown away your cards or not.

What you say can lead to an unfair advantage. Telling players which cards you have or threw out influences player decisions.

It's bad form to fold face-up or show your cards to another player before you fold. Never tell what your hole cards were.

Don't say or do anything that reveals information about a hand that's in progress. Never try to influence a hand you're not playing.

Keep Your Cards on the Table

Most places demand you keep your cards on the table.

It's also a good idea for your strategy. Keeping your cards on the table prevents another player from seeing them.

Plus, the dealer always looks at the table in front of each player. If the dealer can't see your hand, he may deal your next card to someone else.

Never hide your cards. Always be clear that you're in the hand.

Turn All Cards Face Up at the Showdown

The dealer must see your entire hand to determine if you won.

Show all your cards, not the five you used to win. This proves you have a legitimate hand of seven cards.

Expect other players to object if you don't show all your cards. If no one calls your final bet or raises it, you don't need to show your cards.

Treat Everyone with Respect

Be polite and respectful towards other players, the dealer, and employees. A good attitude and manners create a positive environment for competition.

Don't belittle another player or tell them what you think they should do instead. Never blame the dealer or another player for your results.

If you're out of the hand, be mindful of the other players. Don't make a lot of noise, talk nonstop or play loud music. Never make or take a phone call at the poker table.

Treat the cards, table, and property of the club and opponents with consideration. Don't swear or argue.

Behave like a grownup if there's a discrepancy between players. Contact the floor man if it's a live game or the support team for an online game to resolve the issue.

Only contact authorities if you're certain a player broke the rules.

A Hit and Run is another example of poor poker etiquette. It occurs when a player leaves right after winning a generous pot from another player.

Don't pack up and leave the table right after you win.

Play an Ethical Game

Players who use deceptive tactics to gain an advantage are angle shooting.

When someone talks about the strength of their hand or next move during a multi-way pot it's an angle shoot.

It's angle shooting if you're unclear on purpose during your turn.

One of the worst ways to angle shoot is to misrepresent your hand. Don't say you have a flush when you don't. Never use a large chip then pretend you meant to make a smaller bet.

Be Gracious When You Win or Lose

Don't be an obnoxious celebrator when you win. Thank the other players for a good game. Give the dealer a tip and stack your chips in a calm, quiet manner.

Don't mope when you lose. Never slam the table, throw your cards or swear. Don't complain or blame anyone else.

If you need help, read serious books on poker to improve your game.

Tip the Dealer and Staff

Tipping isn't required, but it's a good way to say thanks to the dealer and staff for professional service.

When you win an average-sized pot or accept drinks and food from the staff, give them a tip.

Some players tip the same amount on every hand they win. Other players give larger tips less often. If you're unsure of how much to tip, copy the better players at your table.

Don't forget to figure in the rake (payment) the casino or poker room gets for running the game. It's usually a percentage of the pot.

Ready to Play?

Now that you know proper poker etiquette it's time to find a place to play. Check out our insider's guide to playing poker in Australia.

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